We were asked to bring to class two outstanding and two lousy web pages.
An outstanding webpage that instantly came to mind was the webpage for Todd Events. Todd Events is an event planning company based out of Dallas that I was going to intern for this summer but ended up taking a paid one instead. They without a doubt have a very "glamorous" website though. I would say this is a 4th generation without a doubt. http://toddevents.com/. They bring some very realistic elements to the website, have music playing throughout, motion, and and simple yet elaborate design template.
Another outstanding webpage I thought of was one of my favorite restaurants of all time, Foreign Cinema. It is a restaurant in San Francisco that plays foreign movies on a wall while you eat your dinner and has an art gallery you can walk through while you're waiting. It is absolutely stunning, and their website just adds to the whole atmosphere of the entire restaurant: http://foreigncinema.com/home.html
Two lousy websites: 1. The Yale School of Art is WAY too busy and it design is all wrong. http://art.yale.edu/ 2. This is just an example of a bad website that we seem to run into too many times on the web and gives examples of what NOT to do: http://www.angelfire.com/super/badwebs/
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